tirsdag den 15. april 2014

Modtager af KP-prisen 2014.

15.04.2014 NEWS
Katrine Hvid: Ai-iro x-rays, 2014, Paper, table, flourescent tube. Foto: Jens Møller/Kunsthal Aarhus.

The KP-prize 2014

At the opening of KP14 & SPRING14 in Kunsthal Aarhus, Katrine Hvid was granted the KP-prize, which consists of a 10.000 kr travelling scholarship. Hvid’s contribution to the exhibition can be described as toned down, abstract works striving for perfection.
AF Anna Kristine Hvid Petersen

KUNSTHAL AARHUSJ. M. Mørks Gade 13, 8000 Aarhus C W: kunsthalaarhus.dkKP14 - Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling13.04.14 - 04.05.14
Katrine Hvid’s works invite the viewer to get absorbed in a universe, which is characterized by an extremely sophisticated richness in tone and colour and a playful variation in refraction of dull and lustrous surfaces.
Ai-iro x-rays may be the most distinctive work. It consists of a range of paintings on paper, painted with just indigo blue. This blue shade has been chosen as it holds most possibilities for fade-outs between bright and dark. The work is a sort of extended painting, as its individual paintings have been arranged on a table illuminated by a fluorescent tube in order to control the inflow of light and define the situation of the observer.  
Over a period of time Katrine Hvid's form of expression has been visual, however, she has got her artistic origin within the world of music. She has got a degree in musicology and has performed as singer.
This year the jury at KP14 consisted of Jesper Rasmussen, artist and Principle of Jutland Art Academy, Anne Katrine Graah Rasmussen, KP’s chairman, and Jens Erik Sørensen, chairman of Faurschou Foundation and previous chairman of ARoS. 
Katrine Hvid: Ai-iro x-rays, 2014, Paper, table, flourescent tube. Foto: Jens Møller/Kunsthal Aarhus.

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